When we had our small group a few weeks ago, I decided to make some yummy cheese fondue which also called for beer. Jon and I are not beer drinkers, so as I browsed Walmart, I looked for the beers that could be purchased as one can and of course the can was a zillion ounces, so when I had leftover beer, I thought I should try the beer bagels too.
I made some modifications to the recipe to make it doable in the bread machine.
Bread Machine Cheddar Jalepeno Bagels
(Makes 6 large bagels, or 10-12 smller bagels)
12 oz of beer
4 tsp yeast3 Tbsp sugar
3 1/2 cups all purpose flour
2 tsp salt
6 oz cheddar cheese, shredded
2-3 jalapenos, seeded and chopped into small pieces.
1 egg
1. Put beer into mircowaveable bowl and warm (don't get it too hot), then put warm beer and yeast in bread machine. Let it sit for 10 minutes.
2. Add flour, salt, and sugar to bread machine, and turn it on the dough setting.
3. While the dough is getting it's initial mix I shredded the cheese and chopped the jalepeno and threw them in the machine as it was kneading. I like shredding the cheese so it is all throughout the bagel, the recipe I used said to cut it in small chunks if you prefer that.
4. After the bread machine has run through the cycle,preheat the oven to 350degrees, and also get large pot of water boiling.
5. Punch down the dough and form into as many balls as bagels you are wanting to make.
6. Form your bagels. I used my fingers to poke a hole and then stretched it out a bit. Once your bagels are formed you need to let them rise another 10 minutes or so.
7. Once you have let them rise another 10 minutes turn your boiling water down to a simmer. Drop your bagels into water, allow to simmer for 1 minute, then flip and allow to simmer for another minute. Drain well and place on a greased cookie sheet.
8. Whisk your egg and brush it on top and sides of the boiled bagels, once this is done bake the bagels for 35-37 minutes (smaller bagels) or 40-45 minutes (larger bagels), until they are golden brown.
Jon loved them and I took the tiniest bite and though they were pretty yummy. They were better than any store bought one's I've ever had!
If you don't have a bred machine use the link above for the hand kneading instructions. But I suggest hunting garage sales or goodwill for a bread machine as they seem to be a dime a dozen and are super handy for making pizza dough, breadsticks and bagels. I rarely use it to bake bread, but the dough setting is worth it to me!!
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