Thursday, March 14, 2013

Buttons Diapers Review & Giveaway!

I must say that my favorite items to review and giveaway are items I use constantly, and diapers are one of them!  Before Addy was born we decided to commit to cloth diapering.  My main motivation was the savings.  We knew we wanted me to be a mostly stay at home mom, and that meant that we needed to reign in our budget, and one area we knew we could save was by using cloth diapers.

I committed that even if I hated it, we would do it, and to my surprise I have actually preferred cloth diapers over disposables for many reasons.
1. Little to NO blow out diapers
2. Little to NO rash 
3. Major money savings
4. Happy for the environment
5. Cute little cloth diaper bums
... to name a few.

When Buttons Diapers approached me about reviewing their diapers I was excited to try something new!  In my adorable little package I received the following:
1 one sized diaper cover (pebble color)
1 large daytime insert
1 large nighttime insert

I immediately noticed a few things that really excited me.
-The diaper cover has two layers of PUL, and make them seem more durable!
-There is more elastic than I have ever seen on a cloth diaper for a truly custom fit!  Two layers on each leg help with leg leaks. Front and back elastic help keep the front and back snug (most diapers I have seen only have back elastic).
-The inserts are super soft and super thick.  They reminded me of a small pillow!  Now who wouldn't want that in their diaper?

I love the versatility of the diaper, and the fact that I have been able to use the cover for more than one use!  I use mostly pocket diapers so this was new to me.  Daytime pee rarely soaks through to the cover, because the inserts are so absorbent.  Because you can use the cover more than once, you can spend much less on your stash by just buying extra inserts!

Here is a video to watch on the hybrid system!

My biggest praise for this diaper is that it seems to be the only diaper I have been able to have a successful dry night with.  I use both the nighttime insert and the daytime insert at night and she wakes up with dry clothes.  I have recently been resorting to disposables because even triple stuffing my other diapers has NOT been working.
Today through Sunday Buttons Diapers is currently offering their Sweet Pea (green) covers for 20% off in honor of St. Patrick's Day!! Just use code luckyday at checkout.

Guess what?!!  Amy at Buttons Diapers is giving away one one-sized cover and two daytime inserts!  You pick your color and size of daytime inserts!  Giveaway Runs Today through 9pm next thursday 3/21/13!

To enter:
1. Like Buttons Diapers on Facebook and click on the rafflecopter widget that you did.
2. Like LCValleyMomBlog on Facebook and click on the rafflecopter widget that you did.

If you can't figure out the rafflecopter thing, just do the two tasks and email me at to let me know you did them and I will manually enter you in the giveaway.  If you don't have facebook you can also email me and let me know for one entry.

For additional entries you can
1. Leave a comment on this post about which color you would pick and click on the rafflecopter widget that you did.
2. Click the "like" button at the bottom of this post and click on the rafflecopter widget that you did.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I love the color of the sweet pea! I'd love the opportunity to try these :)

  2. I love the range of pastel colors! Pink is my favorite- baby #2 due in August!

  3. We have the pebble diaper-and several inserts- and we absolutely love it!! ! We have never had a leak, they are very soft and water wicking, and I love that I can use the same diaper from NB- much older!! The colors are adorable as well!

  4. Hi! I'm Bianca over at The Pierogie Mama and I hosted a giveaway for Buttons a few months ago. We love this system! A lot of my facebook followers were bummed that they missed out on winning my giveaway so I shared yours over on my facebook page :)

    I love getting to know other (somewhat) local blogging mamas - I'll definitely be checking your blog out! If you want to see my corner of the world I'm over at:
    Twitter: @thepierogiemama

  5. shepherd likes pebble and really wants to win :)

  6. Sweet pea. Love to meet a diaper that can stand up to nights.
    Cheri D

  7. Third time is a charm...going old school and using my laptop instead of my phone that didn't want to post my comments. LOL! I would love to try this new CD system out... Pebble size large would be cute! Yeah for Cloth Diapers!

  8. I have 3 of these covers in my stash (pebble, sweet pea, and blueberry in case anyone was wondering :)). We use them over prefolds and doublers, and we absolutely love them. Over the past 3 months, we've never had a blowout or a leak in these.The leg gussets do an incredible job and the diaper itself is so sturdy! Even with some very popular, big name diaper brands in my stash, these are still my go-to diapers. Can't wait for them to come out with more colors and prints! (Hint, hint...My vote is for a lemon zest and/or pumpkin spice! Or how about a button print? ;))

  9. I love the gray! It would look great on my little boy. :)

  10. Thanks for a great giveaway, Cassie. I'm on a gray kick right now, so I really like the Pebble color. Based on your review, the video, and their site, I may seriously consider this brand when I'm ready to try cloth diapering. Thanks!

  11. I love the pebble and blueberry

  12. these are really cool. I love cloth diapering and have never heard of these before. I like the pebble color
