Thursday, February 28, 2013

Goals Update

So February's list of goals was completely a wreck.  My planned goals got overshadowed with remodel chaos and other goals sooo... here's how it all panned out

-Seal the deck - NOPE
-Finish 2011 Photo "yearbook" with all our family adventures - NOPE
-Put together January 2013 yearbook pages - DID this!!
-Shop and execute meals for our youth district conference (THIS IS BIG DEAL FOLKS) - DID this!
-Finish Addy's playroom which we plan to "give" her for her birthday in March.  This entails the following subgoals
     -Stain/Seal Kid's table - DONE
     -Finish fake window - has been started
     -Plan how to Decorate walls and do it! (this may not be done, but I need to start brainstorming it) - NOPE
     -Attach apron hook to kitchen shelf - NOPE
     -Slowly sneak some toys into her bins :) - NOPE
-Complete demo for our upstairs master bedroom remodel.  (this has to be done so I guess it's kind of a cheat)
-Go on a date outside of the house DID THIS
-Keep up on my Jesus Calling Devotional DID THIS
-Lose 8 pounds (it's a short month 10 might be a bit ambitious) - LOST 4.2!  Got off track a couple weeks 
-Find a mirror for our upstairs master bedroom remodel. DID THIS
-Complete and file taxes  DID THIS and already got refund!

So what do I want March to look like?
-Clean up all project debris in our yard.
-Finish 2011 Photobook
-Finish Addy's playroom
     -Finish fake window
     -Attach apron hook
     -Slowly sneak toys in bins
-Lose 8 pounds
-Make a cake and have a small bday celebration for Miss Addy
-Finish caulking all the trim in our house!
-Put everything away from remodel!
-Go on Date

We also have a fun trip planned to sandpoint, and easter in is march, and we have a missionary family of 6 coming to stay with us for 7 days.  Lots of fun, so hopefully I can get these projects done in the in between times :)

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