Sunday, January 22, 2012

Sunday Snippet

Addy cut her 2nd tooth this week!  She has been very teary and grumpy and I'm assuming the two are connected?   She also has the slightest bit of a cold so that may have something to do with it as well.  She also turned 10 months on the 18th!  How on earth did that happen?

Jon and I got the privledge of going on a real date out of the house this week!  A friend from church offered to watch her for us so we three and half whole hours of "us" time.  It was great!  We went to lunch, dessert, and then ran a bunch of random errands that were fun for us to do.  Great conversation and great company!  We are trying to do this once a month at least as we have been very bad about date nights.

The snow finally came to the valley!  So much snow that we had to cancel youth group on Wednesday because the roads were sooooo slippery.  We were not wanting to risk having people drive out there it was so bad.  Some of the main roads were closed which also made it hard for people to get from point A to point B.  Snow and lots of hills don't work very well together.

Jon helped me set up some organization tools in my craft closet this week and I have spent a couple hours organizing it... I can't wait to show you my new space!! It's pretty incredible.

Went to another baby shower today!  I handmade the gift so you will have to see my post on how it turned out (coming soon). 

After almost 7 years of living in the valley we got our public library cards (on our date)!  So excited that you can get kindle books from the library!!

Cheers to another week of adventures!

1 comment:

  1. What?! You can get Kindle books at our library now? Yahoo!

    Since you shared this info with me I won't give you a hard time for taking this long to get your library cards. :)
